Ethics In Action

Blue Chip Initiatives: Morality for the Common Good

Ethics In Action

The three core goals of sustainable development —ending poverty, ending exclusion, and protecting creation—demand the activation of universal ethical principles including human dignity, social justice, the common good, and shared well-being. As Laudato Si’ demonstrated, common ethical concerns of the major world religions helped the world to adopt common goals for our “common home,” most notably the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ) .

What We Do

Blue Chip Foundation co-founded Ethics in Action in partnership with private foundations, individuals, and religious leaders to promote a framework based on the moral and ethical principles that are essential for human welfare. Supporting the moral convictions established by the world’s religious traditions, Ethics in Action is a movement that prioritizes universal well-being and human dignity.

After the election of Pope Francis in 2013,
Blue Chip Foundation participated in a series of discussions at the Vatican to explore challenges related to sustainable and integral development. 

Based on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical, Ethics in Action coordinates multiple sessions for leaders from religious and spiritual organizations, businesses, private charities and foundations, and leading scientists and researchers to explore the moral dimension of sustainable development challenges including poverty, peace, migration, corporate responsibility, education, the environment, slavery, indigenous peoples, corruption, and employment. 

The encyclical outlines the essential need for adopting ethical principles and values in support of environmental and humanitarian solutions that exist beyond the technical sphere to adequately maintain the priority of life.

The group will work over three years, beginning in late 2016. It will meet at the Casina Pio IV , headquarters of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences ( PASS ), drawing on the academicians of the PAS and PASS together with invited specialists for each of the eight topics. The group will aim to produce a set of significant recommendations for Ethics in Action : ways to apply ethical principles and values shared across the major religions to support solutions to the major global challenges. The group will not aim for technical or policy solutions to these great challenges. Rather, it will focus on the underlying ethical principles and values absolutely needed to mobilize the human spirit to find liberating solutions to these great challenges in the defense of human dignity and liberty, the promotion of the common good, social justice, and shared well-being in true solidarity.

Ethics in Action: 



Ethics in Action: 



Ethics in Action: Education 


Ethics in Action: 



Ethics in Action: 



Ethics in Action: 

Climate Change


Ethics in Action: 
Action Points

Working Group Recommendations and Action Items

Ethics in Action: Action Points

Working Group Recommendations and 
Action Items
Working Group Recommendations and Action Items
Blue Chip Foundation and Ethics in Action to address solidarity with indigenous peoples
By Blog Owner June 20, 2019
Blue Chip Foundation participated in the June 2018 Ethics in Action meeting to address the SDGs and call for solidarity with indigenous peoples.
Jennifer Gross, Co-Founder of the Blue Chip Foundation and Ethics in Action create online course
By Blog Owner June 18, 2019
Ethics in Action and Blue Chip Foundation is creating a text and a Massive Open Online Course, or MOOC, as part of the SDG Academy.
Modern Slavery and The Global Sex Trade & Human Trafficking
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Ethics in Action convened in Vatican City to discuss the UNSDGs, which call for equal access to justice for all & the end of crimes against humanity.
Women From Millennium Villages Project Becoming Businesswomen Through Connect To Learn Initiative
By Blog Owner March 8, 2018
Young women who were part of the Millennium Villages Project are opening businesses through the Connect To Learn Initiative.
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