The Peace Project

The Peace Project

Blue Chip Initiatives

What We Do

How does society move forward from a state of war to long-term peace and stability? What is the difference between making and maintaining peace?


The Peace Project explores the themes of truth, reconciliation, justice, and forgiveness in six regions exposed to long-term conflict. The project explores countries that have transitioned from war to discovering and maintaining peace.

Photojournalists and writers examine the ongoing conflicts in these regions by drawing from their first-hand experience in war and post-conflict periods. Covering Bosnia & Herzegovina, Cambodia, Colombia, Lebanon, Northern Ireland, and Rwanda, the correspondents offer personal insights into social and political undercurrents that in turn contribute to more comprehensive understanding of the differences in these areas.

The project also includes citizen perspectives that offer another dimension of understanding about war and peace in these conflict zones. Further analysis of maps, data, and historical events related to these regions are included in the photo and editorial work.
A series of essays will cover five topical areas in greater detail; they will explore core issues in transitions from war to peace.

The Art of Negotiation

How do opposing factions and political rivals achieve reconciliation?

What role do women play in peacemaking? Is peace more likely to succeed if women participate in decision making?

Public and Civil Society 
What role do citizens and the general public play in achieving long-term peace? Where does activism fit within civil society?

Government and Politics 
How are war and peace understood from a political science viewpoint?

How is compromise achieved? What factors sustain long-term peace? How is making peace different from maintaining peace?


Starting in 2018 and continuing into 2019, the Peace Project will produce the following:

The book will include 180 photographs that cover historical and contemporary timeframes with essays and interpretive text. 

An exhibition will tour throughout 2019 with versions tailored for each region. The exhibit will include content from the book and will include film, audio interviews, and digital media.

The production of a six-part film series is currently in development.

A major university in the United States will host a conference featuring participants from regions that have experienced war and peace. The engagement will be live streamed with an interactive online component intended for a global audience.

Education Program 
The Peace Project will be developed with an aim to educate and inform different age groups and people from multidisciplinary backgrounds. Additionally, educational resources including study guides and a website will be developed for wider engagement.

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