Blog Post

Pan-American Judges’ Summit on Social Rights and Franciscan Doctrine

June 3rd & June 4th 2019

BlueChip Foundation's Gross and Stengaard attended a summit on social rights and Franciscan Doctrine for Pan-American Judges.

 The Pan-American Judges’ Summit on Social Rights and Franciscan Doctrine


Blue Chip Foundation co-founders Jennifer Gross and Peter Stengaard traveled to Casina Pío IV to provide support and participate in the Pan-American Judges’ Summit on Social Rights and Franciscan Doctrine June 3 and June 4, 2019. The summit was organized by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, now headed by Professor Stefano Zamagni, and held at the Vatican.

The Pan-American Judges’ Summit on Social Rights and Franciscan Doctrine is the second of its kind – the first was held during June 2018 in Buenos Aires.

The summit, which involved more than 100 magistrates from Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Chile and several other Pan-American countries, addressed the need to defend and protect humans’ social rights throughout the world.
Gross began the event with a speech addressing and thanking the judges for attending, as well as outlining the purpose of the conference.

“Together we can create best practices to alleviate poverty, end hunger, provide health care for all, ensure quality and free education including university level education for all,” Gross said. “We must ultimately aim to ensure equal pay for all within a workforce that respects equality of race, culture, sexuality and gender. Only then can we have a productive economy and a workforce filled with individuals fulfilling their dreams and realizing their potential.”

Pan-American Judges’ Summit on Social Rights and Franciscan Doctrine Rome Statement

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