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Lack of opportunities stalling young people’s quest for decent work

A woman is sitting at a desk in front of a computer monitor.

A recent report from the United Nations International Labor Organization ( ILO ) highlights the persistent challenges of youth unemployment and the lack of quality job opportunities, even as overall economic growth remains disconnected from employment generation. The report notes that young people are increasingly turning to the internet and new forms of employment like crowd work, but these come with risks such as low incomes and lack of job security. The ILO calls for greater investments in quality education and skills development, as well as policies that keep pace with the fast-changing world of work driven by technology, to enable young women and men to get ahead.

Overall economic growth remains disconnected from employment generation, resulting in persistent unemployment and a lack of quality job opportunities for young people. The number of unemployed youth is expected to rise by about 200,000 in 2018, reaching a total of 71.1 million. About 39% of young workers in emerging and developing economies are living in moderate or extreme poverty. Young women face significant labor force participation and unemployment rate gaps compared to young men.

Young jobseekers and entrepreneurs are turning to the internet and new forms of employment like crowd work, which offer flexibility but also come with risks like low incomes, lack of job security, and limited access to benefits. Young people are more likely to transition to stable and satisfactory employment in developed and emerging economies than in developing countries.

Greater investments are needed in quality education and skills development to enable young people to thrive in the fast-changing world of work. Policies must keep pace with the technological changes driving the evolving world of work to help young women and men stay ahead of the curve.

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